Friday, March 22, 2013

O Lord Hear My Prayer

today I have to list 5 people I met today and pray for them. I will, but I'll pray for those who love them and those who are like them too

Lord send your blessings on R the tramp who sleeps under the carport at work. You really would have to be on a lot of heroin to be able to stand sleeping outside on a night like tonight and he probably is but he must have had a mother once, maybe brothers and sisters, he has "friends" who inject drugs with him and landowners who try to discourage him from sleeping and messing in their carport but put up with him anyway. Lord Hear My Prayer

Lord send your blessings on P, and all my other colleagues at work. It's been a hard few weeks. We're struggling to provide a good service to sick and vulnerable people, and demanding people, and people who don't appreciate how difficult it is to work within the constraints of budgets and regulations, and people who do, and people who care about the service and want to protect it and people who don't. We are doing our best and our best isn't always good enough. Lord Hear My Prayer

Lord send your blessings on N, and all my other friends in cyber-land who are frightened or angry or confused or depressed. Bless them, their loved ones who are cared for by them or who in turn care for them. Bless the people they have been hurt by, the people they despise, the people they rely on, the people they admire. Lord Hear My Prayer

Lord send your blessings on K, my priest. When I go to the Orthodox Church I am unable to fill in the prayer sheets as one is supposed to complete them in a particular order with one's priest at the top and the poor dears can't get used to the idea of a female name at the beginning of the list. Send your blessings on them as well, and the Pope, and the ABofC and all in leadership roles in the Church and the world. Lord Hear My Prayer

Lord send your blessings on Z and all of the rest of my family. Z has a scary medical appointment at a (relatively) ungodly hour tomorrow, her father has a lot of church to go to and singing to do in the next couple of weeks, her sister is a long way away from us all, her niece is learning to eat rusks in a foreign land and her mother could probably do with some prayers as well.

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