Monday, March 25, 2013


I'm supposed to encourage others today, and I don't suppose encouraging my husband to put the bin out or my daughter to clean the bathroom count. My online activism might be thought more "rabble rousing" than encouragement, if only I could work out what exactly we should all be being encouraged to do.

A dictionary definition of encourage is to
  1. Give support, confidence, or hope to (someone): "encouraging results"; "I feel encouraged".
  2. Give support and advice to (someone) to do or continue something: "pupils are encouraged to be creative"
Looking back over my day, while I may have tried to give this in more spiritual or emotional ways I think the most encouraging thing I've probably done today is to organise the payroll early so that people get paid before Easter. It would certainly be most DIScouraging for us all if we weren't paid, so that will have to do. 

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